Utilitarian Chic

she traded in her sporty little coupe for a utilitarian station wagon
practical, functional, pragmatic, useful, sensible, efficient, utility, workaday, no-frills; plain, unadorned, undecorative.
So, practical, functional, useful, plain and unadorned… I guess I can make this work. I’m not one for frills and fru fru; no I’m not minimalist in the full sense of the word, I guess I’m a bohemian with a minimalist edge (if that makes any sense)
So back to utilitarian chic … I styled a black slip dress with a khaki jacket (my NYSC jacket) its khaki because wearing Camo is prohibited in Nigeria and my favorite pair of boots from shiekhshoes.com .
I gave into a boho urge in the fold over of the boots in animal print …
I’m sure you’re wondering what makes a slip dress practical.. in Abuja where the heat is ridiculous a slip dress is practical clothing to get as much air as you can.
So that’s how I interpreted Utilitarian; let me know what utilitarian inspired pieces you have in your closet and how you style them…
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