Ankara and Mickey

Hello, hello, hello,
Welcome to my blog space, however tiny it might be, I’m practically dancing in my seat that you’re here. After a major dance session, let’s get into today’s post.
Today’s outfit post has two things , no scratch that three things I love, which are Thrift gems, Ankara and Mickey mouse. So I paired an Ankara skirt with a cute Mickey mouse tank. It is not the most thought out outfit, its the most laid back and careless outfit but I adore it.
So to make this look a bit more seamless, and less sloppy I picked a geometric print skirt with colors that play off the tank top.
(I feel like Mickey has a lot more sass than I do)
We decided to switch locations to an amusement park to infuse a bit more fun into this shoot, and as usual Nigerians tried to prove a little difficult. I don’t know the issues we have with letting public places be public places and restricting photography, you would think they would be open to the promotion they would inadvertently get.
Sorry about the little rant just had to get it off my chest.
We did get a few shots before we left.

Tank – Thrifted for N150
Ankara Skirt – Made by yours truly, this skirt was one of the first things I ever made.
Boots – Thrifted for N1900
2 Replies to “Ankara and Mickey”
My favourite thing about this look has gotta be the boots which you got at a decent price. I still don’t k ow why we wouldn’t allow ourselves be great in this country just because of pictures. Glad you got decent shots still!
Thanks Ebun. It was frustrating having to restrict ourselves to a small part of the park.