Currently I’m

So this is going to be sorta like a list post.. this is just going to give you guys a brief summary of what I’m currently about, doing and like.
So let’s get into it…
Currently I’m rocking a natural fro… for the past 11 months I’ve been transitioning from retouched hair to natural hair and I finally cut off my permed edges on Saturday afternoon and to tell you the truth I expected a teeny weeny Afro and I was shocked when I saw the length of my hair and boy do I love it…
Here’s another, currently I’m loving cucumbers; I know weird but I’m loving them and no I don’t have a picture because I ate them all, I’m going shopping for more soon… there’s this guy at Garki Model Market who sells the sweetest cucumbers I’ve ever tasted…. hopefully it wasn’t a fluke and the next set taste as good as the last.
Next, currently I’m reading, That Other Country; a collection of poems by Hyginus Ekwuazi this isn’t the first Ekwuazi anthology I’ve read and I’ve loved the other two and I’m loving this one..
Currently I’m figuring out how to tell my story and all stories that fill me up and not just on this blog but in life as well (and I’m not trying to be deep and stuff but….) Right now I’m happy with what I have as a starting point…
So that’s what I’m loving and reading and doing and feeling currently… share with me your thoughts on the comments section.
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One Reply to “Currently I’m”
I enjoy this site – its so usefull and helpfull.